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was advanced by myself from my home to Montgomery, with the understanding that the amount would be returned by the Bureau, upon the application of the proper officials.  I have written Mr. Buckley several times in relation to these papers, but have received no explanation as to the cause of this delay; nor has he so much as intimated that they have been received at his office.  Such official misconduct by one on whom devolves so much responsibility, is most reprehensible.  
Accept my thanks for your kindness and promptness in forwarding these papers to their destination, on assuming the duties of Supt. Of Education.
Pray have the kindness to present this account to the Supt (cross out) Asst (cross out) Com: per his approval, and if you will also collect it for me, you will place me under renewed obligations.
Very Respectfully
H. F. Tradewell