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Lineville Ala.
March 20th 1868

Williams, James L
Judge of probate

Reports condition and prospects of colored Schools in Clay County

Sub Dist of Talladega
Bureau RF & AL
Office Sub Asst Comr
Talladega Ala Mch 23d 68
Respectfully forwarded to H.M. Bush Supt of Education
Montgomery Ala. 
If we only had some books and could increase the number of Sunday Schools. If it is in your power please send me as many books as you possibly can (Gratuitously) with as little delay as possible. 
Very Respectfully
J.F. McGogy
Sub Asst Commr

Transcription Notes:
I can't identify some words so I just spelled them out how they looked like ("Leneville" and "forcoerd")