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Sub Dist of Demopolis
Demopolis Dec 27" 68

Superintendent of Education
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala

In compliance with your letter of the 16" inst I have the the honor to forward herewith the following special report of schools in my Sub District

[[5 columned table]]
| School | Teacher | By whom Com'd | No. of Pupils | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Demopolis Col'd S. No 1 | Mr. J.T. Coleman | Boards of County School Commissioners | 63 | Each building owned by a Board of Trustees of Col'd Schools Rent Paid $15.00 |

| Demopolis Col'd S. No 2 | Mr. I. Caldwell | Boards of County School Commissioners | 36 | Each building owned by a Board of Trustees of Col'd Schools Rent Paid $15.00 |

| Livingston Col'd School | Mrs Sarah Bowman | Boards of County School Commissioners | 53 | Each building owned by a Board of Trustees of Col'd Schools Rent Paid $15.00 |

Very Respectfully
R A Wilson
Sub Asst. Com'r

Transcription Notes:
8-24-2021: re-ed. 8-25-2021 - Please use capitals in all cases seen.