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Talladega April 1st 1869

Col Edwin Beecher

Dear Sir
I enclose you rent voucher of Nathan Hendrix 10.00 Berry Leatham $10.00 Wm. Kidd $10.00 Robt White $10.00 Robt Pearson 10.00 Ben Norris $10.00 Edmond Reeves $10.00 Ben Smoot $10.0 A. Shealy $10.00 & Wm Reynolds $10.00 In all, ten vouchers and eleven reports. 

Capt Bush's letter with Check for $60.00 came safely to hand. I applied the amount to the building of the schoolhouse on Silver Run. I am leaving one  built there 25 by 30 feet. And will apply the rents of the enclosed vouchers in the same way. There are some very important location in the county that need large School houses and by the assistance of the Bureau &c hope to soon have them up. 

Very Respectfully &c
J.G. Chandron
Supt Schools
Talladega County

Please send me some rent vouchers I am having the work done on the houses please remit soon