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Descriptive List of School Buildings; belonging to the Bureau R F and A L. in the State of Alabama showing the names of Officers accountable for the same.

[[7 Columned Table]]
| No | Name of Officer | Sub. District | Location. | Names of Association, board of Trustees &c holding legal title of land on which building is located. | Description of Lots, by Metes and Bounds | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Henry M. Bush |   | Montgomery Ala. | "Swayne School Association" A. C. Felder, H. M. Bush H. Thompson Wm Hall, Henry Duncan Jas Webster Alfred McDonald Thos Fitzsimmons and Saml Fay as Trustees of S.S.A. | "Lot number (31) Thirty one of a block of late land office in section eighteen (18) Township (16) sixteen and Range Eighteen, (18) in the vicinity of the city of Montgomery" | Swayne School Building nearly completed, borne on Return of Stores pertaining to Bu R F & A L. |

| 2 | J. C. Hendrix. | Montgomery | Near Mt Meigg's, Ala | Trustees Geo A Harmount, R H Benson. C McDade. |   | This Building was taken up in March 1868. it was built in 1866. No record of deed has been filed in this Office. |

| 3 | Geo P. Sherwood | Talladega | Talladega Ala | Am Miss Association | Lot No 148 and 186 92/100 acres off the West End of Lot No 187. all in the Township of Talladega State Ala. also the West half of the South west Quarter of the North west quarter of section 27 in Township 18. Range No 5. in the [[?]] Land Dist. save & except two acres more or less from off the North West corner of said Twenty acres and also on East 15 feet reserved as a public street on the easterly and northerly sides of the enclosure fronting on North Street in the town of Talladega Ala |   |

| 4 | Geo P. Sherwood | Talladega | Talladega Ala | Trustees Viz - Wm Laveny Wm Cain Savannah Cruikshank James McCain & Henry Knox | A spot as flat of ground on the north east corner of lot No 184 in the town & county of Talladega, beginning on the North East corner of said Lot No 184, thence south along Baptist church street sixty feet, thence at right angles to said Street nearly south eighty feet thence parralelled to the first mentioned place sixty feet to the turn of a lot now owned by Jas Skaggs thence eighty feet along | Completed. not borne on Return of stores pertaining to Bu R F & A L |

Transcription Notes:
redid - "block of late land office". Mt. Meig's is the actual spelling, not Meigg's. ex