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Montgomery Sept 10th 1868

Cor). W. C. Arther Esq
Chief QM Bu R F & A L


Dear Sir I will finish the wood work not complet now on the Swayne School House near the city of Montgomery in course of erection for the sum of four Thousand four hundred Dollars according to the plans & specifications of Said building.  all the material of every discription to the delivered to me at the building payments to be made as follows one thousand dollars when the top Joist are set Two Thousand Dollars more when the building is covard & the balance when the wood work is completed.

Yours [[strikethrough]] Truly [[/strikethrough]] Respect.-
Jos. A. Baldwin  Builder

I take pleasure in recommending Joseph A Baldwin as a good mechanic fully competent to carry out the above proposition  
A Howard
I concur in the above W. H. Daniels Supt Car Factory
M. & W. P. R R Co

Transcription Notes:
Too many [[?]] to mark for review. done