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Col Arthur Sir
I Respectfully submit my Bid for the Painting of the Academy for your consideration

I propose do the works according to the Specifications in good and workmanlike manner for the sum of five ($555.00) hundred & fifty five dollars

[[2 Columned table]]
--- | ----
3800 (Square) feet Plain Surface 3 Coats | $125.00
39 Sills Venetian Blinds | 80.00
42 Window Sills sanded | 15.00
30 large windows grained outside some suitable color | 150.00
12 Small windows | 36.00
26 Doors & frames grained | 104.00
10 Squares wainscoting | 45.00
   | ------
   | $555.00

For which I give Bond in double the am't for the faithful performance and carrying out of above proposition
Sept 12th 1868
Frank O'Brien


Transcription Notes:
Not supposed to have large spaces between words and numbers. Should make it into a table or put numbers two or three spaces from words.