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Report of commissioned Teachers for the month of October 1868

[[7 columned table]]
| Name | Station | No of Pupils | By Whom Commissioned | Owner of Building | Rent per Month | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Mr. Pope & Wife | Montgomery Ala | 150 | Am Miss Asstn | Barnett Mecon & Co | $25.00|   |
| Miss Santley | Montgomery Ala | 100 | Am Miss Asstn | A.G. Stickney | 20.00 |   |
| Wm Gilbert & 3 assistants | Talladega Ala | 57 | Am Miss Asstn | Bu R F & A L |   |   |
| Miss E.C. Stowe | Selma Ala | 80 | Am Miss Asstn | C.H. Lavender | 20.00 |   |
| H.V. Squire & 4 Assistants | Mobile Ala | 417 | Am Miss Asstn | Bu R F & A L |   |   |
|   | Total | 804 |   |   | 65.00 |   |

Bvt Lt Col U.S.V and Asst Commissioner