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Applicants in the arts should submit examples of previous work, following the procedures described below, in order to enable our advisers to give full consideration to their applications. Select examples which you think best represent the quality of your work. Recent work is generally the most pertinent. Except as indicated for books, include only one copy of each example submitted. Applicants in the arts who are not directly covered in the categories below should follow the procedure outlined for the category closest to their own. 


Painters, sculptors, and graphic artists should submit, with their application, not more than eighteen 35mm slides of recent works (last five years). You may include different views of individual pieces if you wish. Your slides should be organized in chronological order, with the most recent work placed first. Each slide should be labeled with your name, the title and date of the work, and an indication of the top of the slide. Include a list of the slides submitted, giving the title, dimensions, medium, and date of completion of each work. Installation artists may submit videotapes (follow instructions below). If you think that further explanation of the work is required, attach a description to your list. Include on the list the address to which the material should be returned. You may not submit your slides in digital form, unless your work is digital or interactive in nature. Web artists should provide a list of current World Wide Web sites (see for more information).

Poets, playwrights, screenwriters, and writers of fiction should submit, with the application, examples of published writing. Manuscripts are difficult to handle, but you may send a manuscript if you regard it as essential (for example, playwrights may wish to submit scripts). Send no more than three different books (it would be helpful to have two copies of your most recent book). Include a list of the books submitted, giving the title, publisher, and date of each, and indicate the address to which the material should be returned.  Theatre or performance artists may submit videotapes (follow instructions below). Multimedia and hypertext artists should send in CD-ROMs or provide a list of current World Wide Web sites.


Applicants in music composition, photography, film, video, and choreography should not submit examples of their work with the application but should submit them separately, to arrive between November 1 and December 15 in the competition for the United States and Canada, and between February 1 and March 15 in the competition for Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Please note that no further instructions concerning the submission of examples of work will be sent. 

Composers may submit records, compact discs or CD-Rs, tapes (DAT or cassette), and scores of not more than three full-length works (or the equivalent). Whenever possible, the scores and the tapes or records should be for the same works. Every item should be labeled with your name and the title and date of the work. All tapes should be wound so that they are ready to be played. Please provide a separate cassette for each piece. Include a list of every item submitted, indicating on the list the address to which the material should be returned.

Photographers should submit not more than twenty prints, which may be either mounted or unmounted. Each photograph should be labeled with your name and the title and date of the work. (Our space is limited. If your work is of very large size-that is, if the works or mounts exceed 30" by 40" -please check with us before submitting it.)Include a list of every item submitted, indicating on the list the address to which the material should be returned. 

Film makers should submit not more than three films. Each film submitted should be labeled with your name, the title and date of the film, your contribution to it (e.g., directing, writing, etc.), its running time, and its size in millimeters. Films may also be submitted as video cassettes or DVDs, if that is the only form in which they are available. All films should be wound so that they are ready to be shown. Include a list of every item submitted, indicating on the list the address to which the materials should be returned.

Video artists should submit not more than three tapes. All tapes should be in 3/4" or VHS cassettes (not PAL/Secam), and should be wound so that they are ready to be shown. Each tape should be labeled with your name, and the title, date and running time or footage of each work or segment. Include a list of every item submitted, indicating on the list the address to which the materials should be returned.

Choreographers should submit videotapes of works choreographed, following instructions above for video artists. 

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Examples of your work will be returned, subject to the following provisions. Everything is submitted at your own risk and expense. The Foundation will frequently pay return mailing charges but in some instances will return the work C.O.D. Although we take every reasonable care of all work received, the Foundation receives publications, manuscripts, photographs, and other items on the understanding that it is not responsible for their accidental loss or damage from fire or any other cause while in its charge or in the course of transmission. We advise you not to send unique, original manuscripts, and to retain copies of all items submitted.