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Communications. Vol.6, No.22, San Francisco,
1983, pp.47-49.

Stodder, John F. "Alternative Access." Artweek, Vol 12, No. 11, March 21, 1981, p. 16.

Sturken, Marita. "Artists Television in New York." From TV to
Video, Bologna, Italy: Il Convegno Internazionale L' Immagine 
Elettronica, February 1984, pp.49-53. Exhibition catalogue.

Sundell, Nina. "Jaime Davidovich." Cleveland Revisited,
Cleveland, Ohio: The New Gallery of Contemporary Art,
1985, pp. 4-6.

White, Robin. "Great Expectations: Artists' TV Guide."
Artforum, Vol.20, No.10, Summer 1982, pp.40-46.

Wiegand, Ingrid. "SoHo TV, Cable Video for the
Avant-Garde." The SoHo Weekly News, Vol.5, No.29,
April 20, 1978, p.57.

Wolcott, James. "O SoHo Mio." The Village Voice,
May 8, 1978, p.45.

Zeichner, Arlene. "Re(tele)visionists. The Village Voice,
December 20, 1983, p.97.