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Hi Jaimie,

On the eve before 30. A normal night. Sauteeing vegies, baking fish, hungry as ever. Extremely patient. Watching the news, wimmiam buskely...oops, noticing misspelling and improrper usage...did it again...selinity no senility slips in or it could just be the real stupidity underneath waiting until my youthful defenes defenses drop. Typing suffers. Fingers cold. What's in store?

Going for a REAL JOB interview. At Dodger Stadium. Yessirree. They need an administrator for their VideoBoard..the largest in the world. A Mitsubishi deal, mostly video, a little computer stuff with memory. We shall see. I will wear my Dodger hat, T-shirt, key ring and sport my Gil Hodges first baseman's mit. That ought to get them. With some tapes of my mother and Beverly Hilssss who knows where I could be hired?

How's business?

Thanks you verrry much for the gifts...perfect... are a fine long distance friend. I read them cover to cover, thought about the good old days and looked in the mirror at a couple of wrinkles. I don't smell quite as musty so things are looking up.

My business class is rolling along. Wednesday nights at a city college. The buinsess business teacher pulled me aside last week and told me he was not all business. Oy. Sounds like i'm getting the bsuiness. Anyhow, scored a low A on my managment test. I'll be giving you advice soon.

Back to cooking now. Time for a tea taste test and a chance to relax these OLD LEGS.

Love to you,
