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CHICANO ARTISTS: Contingency Factors
Invariably we are asked: Are You Chicano Artists?
The question is but the proof of the melting pot fallacy. Thus, how can we be otherwise but chicanos. Physically, psychologically and philosophically we are viewed as outsiders and programmed to consider ourselves as such. The results are:
1.Disassociation through introspection and forced personal evaluation.
2.Chicanos art approach is based on the concept of establishing an identity through visual means.
3.The hope is that visual congruity will in turn give us psychic harmony - a statement of our evolving condition and position as chicanos.
4.Artists are bound to the obligation of interpreting their environment and reacting to it. Chicano artists are duty bound to act as spokesmen and give visual reality to the chicano vision.
5.We are iconoclasts, not by choice, but by circumstances out to destroy stereotypes and demolish visual cliches. We hope, in the process, to encounter new pure forms that will act as catalysts for a visual nascence and awaken the dormant chicanoio potential.
6.The chicano artist must be on guard against the proclivity to search for easy iconographic solutions. 
7. Chicano art must continue to engage itself with the profound experiences of its age

A process of cultural secession [social internalization process] must be initiated in order to allow us to begin to view ourselves with our own eyes and arrive at our own definition about our state of existence and express the nature of our concern for this state.

Chicano Art is not Art for Art's Sake but Art for Human Sake