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Page 2-C  EXPRESS-NEWS, San Antonio, Texas, Thursday, June 2 1988 F

On the Scene
Photos by Al Caballero
Jamie Maverick (left) and Janice Wiesenthal are captured by our photographer in front of some of the modern art at the Blue Star Art Space.  Both were at Wednesday's reception for the San Antonio 100 club.

New San Antonio 100 member Judy Ferguson (left) meets Founding President Marolyn Stub-blefield over a piece of sculpture Wednesday at the Blue Star Art Space.

Boardmember Lucie Armstrong (left) and Festival President Yolanda Arellano kick off 'An Evening with Pola Negri'

Bennie and Harold Risner (left to right) and Martha Fitzwater and Dr. O.Z. White meet at the annual membership party of the St. Anthony Club. Harold is the president of the club.

Maggie and Beverly Slimp (left to right) help the Festival get off to a good start with Wednesday's tribute to Pola Negri.

Festival, SAMA go to movies

Paula Balik
Party Line

People who knew the '20s movie star said she never lost her star quality - so no wonder "An Evening with Pola Negri" drew a crowd for the San Antonio Festival at the San Antonio Museum of Art Wednesday.
Though it's almost a year since her death, you could think of it as the Polish actress' last premiere, since portraits and memorabilia from her estate went on display for the benefit.
Artistic director Daniel Lipton said that "Gypsy Blood", one of four Negri films to be shown during the festival would be screened continuously upstairs.
But a Moroccan buffet, from Catering by Rosemary, kept most friends of the festival and the museum downstairs for a while. ("I heard this was her favorite kind of food," one of them said. "Do you think it has something to do with Rudolph Valentino?")
Couscous customers included Pat and Linda Tafolia, Bill Rorck, Jim and Magda Saldana and Baker and Sally Duncan.
The Rev. Bernard Goebel and Sister Hedwig Marek had a somewhat different picture of the late film star from the glamorous portraits upstairs. "We remember her generosity to the shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa," he said.
Sister Marek, who wrote Negri's letters to relatives in Poland for her, remembers her acute political consciousness - but also that she was always ready for her closeup. "In seven years," Marek said, "I never once saw her without makeup. she was always beautiful."
The St. Anthony Club is 29 and holding its own glamour, as we saw at the club's annual membership party in the St. Anthony Hotel.
Though no one could remember if Pola Negri had been a guest there, the likes of John Wayne and Lyndon B. Johnson were frequent visitors when in San Antonio. 
club president Harold Risener, who received party-goers at the door with his Bennie, puts the current membership figure at about 750. "But we'd still welcome a few more," he said - if, of course, the board approves their passage through those austere studded doors.
Some who made the first cut and many occasions since were charter members Rudy and Judge Carol Haberman, Robert Pincus, Hortense Buchanan Rosemary Roberts, Eloise Mahaffey and Judge James and Mary Baskin. 
Predating them all were Walker and Virgina white - who, he said, "spent our honeymoon here in 1929, and never quite left."
They had coconut shrimp, oysters and clams and white chocolate mousse - and luckily, since it's one of the few occasions when the whole club gets together, a lot of fun dancing and playing do-you-remember.
At the Blue Star Art Space, the San Antonio 100 kept busy keeping cool. The distinguished ladies are making the rounds of what's new, Marolyn Stubblefield said. As program co-chairwoman with Sondra Sugarman, she's introducing the other members to "places they might not see otherwise" - like the avant-garde gallery.
the invitation asks them to "Come cool and comfortable" - and some, like straw-hatted Janet Francis, understood the warning. There's no air conditioning at the gallery, except for the make-your-own cool provided by the complimentary Japanese fans handed out at the door. "My grandmother said there was a language of fans," Maria Cosslo said thoughtfully. "Now I wish I'd learned it."
"I'm glad I don't have one of these on the bench," Judge Bonnie Reed confided. "There are too many people I'd want to reach out and tap with my fan."

Send your party invitations to PARTY LINE, c/o the Express-News, P.O. Box 2171, San Antonio, Texas, 78297-2171.

Charter members Virginia and Walker White attend the 29th anniversary of the St. Anthony Club. The whites are not only members of the club, but they spent their honeymoon at the downtown hotel.