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A gentleman on the steamer formed a party and we rented a compartment on the train and so had a very comfortable trip to Paris, getting in at about half past eleven P.M. We had looked up several hotels in a new Baedeker and a number had been recommended to us by people on the boat, so we had quite a list to choose from.  Well! when we got here we jumped into a cab and told one hotel but they had no teem, then we tried another and another.  I think we must have driven to at least ten places and the only things we could find was one room for $6 for the night, and another for $4 so we took the $4 room.  By this time it was quite late.  The next day I stayed in bed until noon and Bonny went out to look around and find a room.  He finally found a place where he has been a number of times - not the place we

2                                    9/29/94