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is going on and I enclose a sample of my tailor suit = I am to have a waist to go with it and there will be touches of roman plaid silk on it - to brighten it up. The white dress is to have a little lace jacket affect I will tell you more about these later.

We are going to the Graysons for tea tomorrow. I hope it will be warmer by that time - we are having a cold rainy spell now and I have put on my warmest cloths - it couldnt stay warm & rainy very long here this time of year and I am glad we are here and not at Grez-

All the studios we have seen here are such dirty places I could not live in them so there is no use considering them.

We both feel very well - we dined with Mr Griffin last night and every day we meet some one we know.

I long for my first letter from you after that comes I do not feel so far away and it is doubtless the same with you. I hope you are getting the proper food - poke Mr Caulkins up if he doesn't get things for you. I hope every one is being good to you and that you are having a good time. A heart full of love to you and I will write you a line as soon as we decide about the apartment. Lovingly your Betty-