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Paris le  191
[[image - drawing of hotel]]
Maison Lavenue Telephone 705-23

Gruffaz & Baer
Salons Particuliers
Jardin Veranda

Hotel de France & de Bretagne
1 & 3. Rue du Depart
Service a La Carte
dans les Chambres

Bains Ascenseur
Entree Réservée
Noces Fetes et Reunions
68 et 70
Boulevard du Montparnasse

Commandes pour la Ville
& Lunchs

Imp. Vincent Barre. 3L, R Baudin. Paris.

June 10th

Mamma dearest.
At last we have decided to take the little apartment- we waited two days after I wrote you to think it over well and we feel we are doing the wisest thing.
We are having such cold and disagreeable weather I can not bear the idea of going to Grez and staying all summer. we will be so comfortable and cozy in our little place here and we figure that the expense after we rent it furnished for the winter will not be as much as though we took a studio in some dirty building which we could not rent at all and then we would have to stay in a hotel-which is not much fun either. The rent of the apartment is $430.00 a year and we have four lovely sunny rooms