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I shall not be able to stay over as I've promised my cousin to drive down to Morristown the next day, when she addresses the Garden Club there & it is my night to work in the Rummage Shop in town which my Aunt founded 25 years ago. Also I move to Southampton May 28 and with no maid at either end to cook, clean, shop or put away winter things etc. it is quite a job, especially since our eldest son is home weekend from Columbia University where he's doing his M.A.

I shall be, in Cincinnati all next week, (as Pres. of the Southampton Garden Club) at the Annual Meeting of the Garden Club of America. On my return we have the Shop Benefit Luncheon at the Waldorf & then I go to my sisters place in Maryland for a Garden Tour. On my return we have my own Garden Club Meeting at which I must make my report. Sandwiched in between is the Flower Show at Smithtown in which one of our members is exhibiting & to which I shall drive her, plus the color photographs of the Gardens