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I was greeted with an ultimatum for one. —— Be sure and see some exhibitions in New York - the South Sea & others - you need to see some of that - also go and see your friend Mary Coudert (the Piano girl) etc. Stay a couple of days longer if necessary.

As far as nurses are concerned - my feeling is that this gal is really very good - If [[strikethrough]] dagar [[strikethrough]] Dagmar does not come up it is really no loss to us - I believe this one will out stay Dagmar [[strikethrough]] if one had a say [[/strikethrough]] in the long run. I just mean that we may be obligated to take Dagmar back but if she doesn't feel obligated to us —— to hell with her.

[[strikethrough]] I have to [[/strikethrough]] This is all I will say about children and nurses.  

I have to be in Washington April 4 & 5 for an FPHA meeting

The G.M. stuff looks a little more favorable than it looked when I left but don't say much about that.

If you see Kerré ask her all the details about the operation —— [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] and report to me th [[strikethrough]] when you come —— they are pretty interesting