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concrete physical problems, but this does free them from the emotional ones [[strikethrough]] when they come about [[/strikethrough]] ..... [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] Lucy & mummie can face them particularly well because [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] at last these would be matters of first comes first .... where at last they [[strikethrough]] could [[/strikethrough]] Have to abandon the details .... which throughout many years have taxed them & made them grow strong. But a physical tragedy [[strikethrough]] becomes [[/strikethrough]] grows small in the face of this day by day nebulous [[strikethrough]] intag [[/strikethrough]] intangible strain on [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] nerves., [[strikethrough]] such as they wherein lies no blame except their own 
complicated [[/strikethrough]] Take for instance the major problems of a set of values [[strikethrough]] where involved where [[/strikethrough]] & large influences upon children, such as honesty versus dishonesty ..... or courage versus shame ..... or [[strikethrough]] ability [[/strikethrough]] competence versus incompetence: a promise on the part of grown ups to say "goodnight" should