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I have to write about UNESCO because my mind is full of it and empty of everthg else — at the moment — the fundamental question which has to be resolved and which is a dificult one is this. We are building a building opposite [[strikethrough]] or [[/stikethrough]] to one of the historic monuments of Paris - the Ecole Militare built by Gabriel.— (Madame de Pompadour had much to do about getting it started) [[strikethrough]] we are building on on th [[/strikethrough]] the Ecole is a comparativly low building and a grande axe is on the other side it would be wrong to for UNESCO build something so high that it spoils the siluette - that we all agree on Boudwin Robertson myself and last the French officals. The UNESCO site is the remaining half of an already built up half circle in other words a 1/4 circle. The symetricly placed buildings are very bad and heavy and no matter what one would do the 1/2 circle would not become a beautifull thing - and besides HR. and I dont really like the French 1/2 circles and circles anyway. The french mind loves them and feels it vandalism and barbarism to do anything but complete the intention — [[strikethrough]] thi [[/strikethrough]] this we feel would result in a bad building and UNESCO - should have some special privilages because the have to have a good building — that is the whole argumennt in a nutshell — a large nutshell Now I have to go to bed — please write me immedeatly unless you have already done so because it is fun to recive a letter— Love Love Love

Tel me all about the children - about Saisaha and about anything else that has happed. Love Love Love Eero