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[[Three-columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| ✓ J- | big pale mixed stripes with cluster of wide yellow stripes in center | 116" x 192" |
| ✓ K- | Blue Beard - | 116" x 196" |
| ✓ L- | Walter Netsch's painting - | 116" x 180" |
| M- | Chicago Art Institute work | 90 x 136" |
| ✓ N- | 2 grays - split painting | 90 x 144" |
| ✓ O- | 2 reds - split painting | 116 x 180" |
| ✓ P- | Rose Bush. Jane Haslem's multi- stripe | 90 x 64" |
| Q- | yellows wall paper type painting | 90 x 116" |
| R- | Cut-off painting - | 116 x 120" |
| S- | pale 1-inch wide stripes - | 90 x 116" |