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pretend to be the queen of the plastic Arts. I vividly remember my arguments with [[strikethrough]] corbousei [[/strikethrough]] Corbusier.  You [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] know that he built for me [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] a house and studio in Paris, long before he was known as a great architect. My house was ready in 1924. I think, if I am not mistaken, it was the third he had ever built. [[strikethrough]] I remember [[/strikethrough]] It was around this time or maybe in 1925 or 26 that we were at place St. Augustin in Paris discussing like always [[strikethrough]] this matter question [[/strikethrough]] architecture. At that time the Circle Militaire [[strikethrough]] which was near by [[/strikethrough]] which was in front of us, was being finished [[strikethrough]] it is a very poor building [[/strikethrough]] . I remember I said to him "look at this building, that's architecture, very bad architecture, but never the less, it is architecture. But what you are trying to do is only housing, very good housing, but only housing." Many years later he probably came to the conclusion that I was right because he started to introduce sculpture into his buildings; but, sculpture which he was making himself. Being a poor sculptor and probably sensing it, his next evolution was to approach his architecture as a sculptor approaches his sculpture. Ronchamp is a result of this way of thinking. Even though it is a very interesting building, for me it is not a sculpture at all. It is wrong to think about sculpture in this way because it is ignoring the aims of sculpture to the nature of architecture. This tendancy of Corbusier's is reflected in some other buildings, here and abroad. It's a kind of tendancy which I find in contemporary architecture and for me it's a good sign. because it shows an attraction toward sculpture in the mind of contemporary architects, and

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