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Lectures, 1956-57

1. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
"Contributions of the Negro in Art"

2. Morristown, New Jersey - Unitarian Church
"Art and Religion"

3. Morristown, New Jersey, Art Association 
"Trends in Contemporary Art"

4. Brooklyn Museum
"An Artist looks at African Sculptures"

5. Lincoln University, Missouri
a. "Art and Society"
b. "Art Today"

6. Hampton Institute, Virginia 
a. "Development of Modern Art"
b. "Social Meaning of Art"

7. New Paltz State Teachers College, New York
"Art in the Schools"

8. National Committee on Art Education, Annual Conference, University of Michigan
"Imagination in College Teaching"

Exhibitions, 1956-57

1. Hampton Institute, Virginia 
Retrospective exhibit - example of work done from 1931 to 1956

2. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Group exhibition

3. Riverside Museum, New York City
Group exhibition

4. Morristown, New Jersey
One man show