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REPORT ON SUMMER CONFERENCE (continued from Page 1, column 1)

saying that "What is desirable is a teacher so grounded in art as to be convinced that the human spirit has no fixed space to explore and has no known limits to his creative capacities."

Kinescopes of two television programs of The Museum of Modern Art's series "Through the Enchanted Gate" were shown during the mid-day intermission: Making a Feeling and Seeing Picture Paint a Picture of Sounds

A panel discussion on aspects of "The Training of the Art Teacher" was lead by Arthur Young in the afternoon:

Edith L. Mitchell, State Director of Art Education, Delaware, described "What Makes a Good Art Teacher" from the point of view of personal qualifications that an administrator looks for in an art teacher.

Harold R. Lofgren, Assistant Professor, Art Education Division, New York State College for Teachers, representing an art teacher training institution, spoke on "How Art Teachers Are Trained Today" and described his experience and program with prospective art teachers at his school.

C.Donald Kahrmann, Art Supervisor, North Brunswick Township Schools, New Jersey, and
Rita Newton, Art Teacher, Oak Grove Elementary School, Elsmere, Delaware, two young teachers, then each pointed out "What Has Been Most Useful in My Training" with some lively comments on the first experiences in a teaching situation.

Olive L. Riley, Chairman, Art Department, Washington Irving High School, New York City, on "What Do I Expect in the Student Teacher" described the program for student teachers at her school and pointed out that the experience could be as full and valuable as the student teacher made it.

Some comments and questions from the audience concluded this spirited meeting.

Tea in the Penthouse at 5 ended the day in an informal and friendly way for members and others attending the conference.


The joint project undertaken by the American Craftsmen's Educational Council and the Committee is near completion. A report is being written on the study and each member of the Committee will receive a copy. Mrs. Vanderbilt Webb, Chairman of the Council is extremely grateful to members for help in securing material for the study.