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22 East 8th Street
New York NY 10003
July 26 1975

[[lightly in a different color]] 7/31 [[/lightly in a different color]]

Dear Jeff Doualdson:

I have just received your letter inviting me to participate at the second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture. As much as I would love to participate, it is with regret that I must decline your kind invitation. At present I am going through a period of recovery from a major operation. Because of my present physical condition this will be a very slow process. In addition I must see my doctor for treatments on a weekly basis for some months to come. I cannot afford to miss any of these treatments. So you see the reasons for not being able to accept are medical. 

I want to thank you for thinking of me in this regard and wish you and your associates the greatest possible success in your magnificent venture. I have no doubt that the outcome of the festival will constitute the basis for renewed and positive thinking and action with regard to our arts & culture. good luck to you. 

Very Cordially,

Hale Woodruff