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I don't think I am one who should be included in the "306" group, according to the way your study considers it. I would be willing to be so honored by inclusion if I thought it was appropriate. 

Also I must tell you, regretfully, that I am not granting any more interviews or making any more tapes along this line. All this puts me under too great a physical and mental strain. Physically I am not up to it any more. I have ample printed material on hand for anyone interested in my own work as an artist. In view of your interest in "306", I don't know if such general material would be of use. Since I know nothing of the inner workings of "306" days when it was in full swing - I could only comment in a very limited way on the artists who were connected with it after "306" ceased to exist. As a matter of fact it was about 1943-44 when I came to N.Y. that I really had any contact with Alston, Jake Lawrence, etc. When I met Alston in 1938 it was only for 30-40 minutes one afternoon.  I would be willing to respond to any questions that you might list and send to