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The Air of the Academy seems fatal to the vitality of genius - and it has been observed that whenever a man of talent, is by Accident Elected into it, his powers decline from that moment - affected by the contageon [[contagion]] of purblind arrogance - dullness, and self sufficiency."

Much has been said on the Establishment of a New Institution..  Under whatever shape the new institution may appear we trust that its construction, will be such as to render unjust, and partial arrangements impracticable.

Equal light - full competition, and fair play - Above all let the deleterious influence of the present Academy be guarded against - for it is lamentable that the practice of a Noble Art should be poluted [[polluted]] by the ill blood which such a depraved system must continually engender - by the operation on one side of incapacity - insolent and arbitrary oppression - on the other by the indignant reaction of talent and feelings justly exasperated."

Doctors of law and of medicine - as in finance - physic - politics - painting the same spirit of arrogance - Employ pride - ignorance, and monoply [[monopoly]] is seeking for supreme sway."

The [[strikethrough]] Southern smolts [[/strikethrough]] miles a "Stout gentleman resistance to inequity - but it appears to have unrewarded. The world is as bad as ever [[strikethrough]] not even [[/strikethrough]] notwthstandg [[notwithstanding]] even his increased years, experience, freedom and virtue.

A little later

'In the early condition of the institution virtuous management prevailed - alas that day no longer exists. Charlatangne, incompetency ignorance & pretension sit in judment, to exclude better works than their own

Still later

"The Way" [[strikethrough]] the Council [[/strikethrough]] that these fellows of the Councel Bully the press is no matter of surprise."

In due time these fellows shall be shown up in their practices, which have corrupted the objects of the Academy" - "I would advise [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] our readers & the public to stay away from the Academy Altogether.

Finally a [[?]] speaking, of the NAD the Royal Ac'd. Apollo. Wm Gally Phil'a & Boston Associations.

"After a careful consideration of these institutions I think you will be convinced they are not adapted to your wants - not likely to make you respectable for your collection of the Arts."

Transcription Notes:
[[underscore]] removed per Smithsonian instructions. == My misspellings are in the document that way. Every bracketed question mark is where I couldn't figure out the word. Leaving this for a bit and will be back - EK