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Acad Notes - Cummings

.Cummings & Agate pp 20 - 00
Cummings Professor NAD. 122
Review Exhibition 120, saved the Acad 1st time
Debt incurred by presents 123- saved the Acad 2nd time
Mode of  payment.          128 000
Dunlaps History of Arts      131. 000
Sub opened by TS.C
Lectures on the Arts of Design as applied to the mechanic arts by TSC. 134&5- 000 1834
Prevented Gv purchasing old pictures 136. 
Meeting called to pro Morse to paint H picture 144 000
First message on Telegraph - preserved and should be held in fireproof building mint [[it?]] 152 & 3. 000
Hon member mercantile Sil 160- 00
Amer Acad & National. . - .168-
Sale of Am Acad Cummings purchase 170
Artists Sketch Club. 175
Reed Gallery. 178.179
Testimonial Plates. [[strikethrough]]18-[[/strikethrough]] 188. 000
Inmans death. & testimonial Ex 189. 000 & funeral
Cummings School ... 194. Prof University 1846.
The Century Club. } C. a founder 198. 000
T S C treasurer }
Sketch Club. founders. 202
Cumming B & Bond St accepted 209
Mrs. Washington portrait present to the Queen 227.
Purchase of BWay & Mercer St. 234 000
Cummings Trustee 236- 000
Double &c &C 240
Property 5 a B W - submitted! 000 too far up
In charge of schools. Testimonial 267
Charles renamed 261
Ranny 1 Ex. This led to the Artist fund 000
Property sold 64,000. made!! 000
App 1000 to C. 000 !
Building Murray Hill Stores 287
& A selected without Stores 287 mistake
Building 298. & following.
My letters Especially one the luck I think
The Acad building finishes & Retires to the country
Literary follies- Annals NAD &e &e
Self and wife living- oldish but well in health- Amen
Family- The NY City Census increased 14 [[?]] present [[?Center]] Mansfield
Sons Charles 1st died in Boyhood
Thomas Augustus. follows fathers unfortunate prof dies early [[?..hood]]
Henry Richards- Eminent lawyer- died at age 42
Charles P. partner- one of the oldest Banking firms of City died
Geo F. living and of high standing in the moneyd ways of Wall St.
[[strikethrough]] Daughters: Sarah Wife of an Eminent Artist & business man
Josephine Wife RB Hartshorne Banker
Jane Wife eminent business man
two unmarried [[daughters?]] [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
I have been referring to the book 'Historic Annals of the Academy of Design' to help with transcription. PLEASE do not add your guesses at the meaning of abbreviations - this is not part of transcribing! We are to transcribe what is written, and leave it to scholars to interpret the abbreviations. I have removed these "additions" from this transcribed page. - parrish501