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Mr Cummings has always been active in all our philanthropic  [[strikethrough]]institutions [[/strikethrough]] and learned institutions-  The Lyceum of Natural history, The Mechanics and American Institutes, the New York Gallery of Fine Arts, [[strikethrough]] The Philadelphia Society of Artists [[/strikethrough]] && are largely indebted to him for exertions in their behalf-  among his other acquirements may be mentioned a proficiency in military tactics standing seldom attained by citizen soldiers- while commanding the Regiment of Washington Guards some years since he improved the discipline of that corps to such a degree as to cause an emulation among the other Lt Inf Uniforms corps of our city, which has since charactarised them for superior attainments- Since his appointment to the command [[strikethrough]] of a brigade [[/strikethrough]] as General he has evinced great firmness, [[strikethrough]] strong powers of mind [[/strikethrough]] much acquirement as a military jurist, [[strikethrough]]and in this department is universally admitted [[/strikethrough]] by virtue of his office he [[strikethrough]] has brought to[[/strikethrough]] decides all appeals confirms or reverses the decisions of court martials and from the [[strikethrough]] upopularity [[/strikethrough]] unpopularity of our present militia law these decisions have often been controled with the highest talent of our city and appealed from to the commander in cheif (The Governor of the State) [[strikethrough]] but we believe [[/strikethrough]] in [[strikethrough]] every[[/strikethrough]] no instance have the decisions of the General [[strikethrough]] have been sustained [[/strikethrough]] been reversed-

Several Philanthropists have of late endeavored to introduce the Arts of Design as part of common school education, and the American & Mechanics Institutes have already established classes for this purpose-  this movement originated from a lecture delivered in 1833 by Mr Cummings before the Mechanics Institute of this city