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The painter of portraits in small on ivory had perhaps less opportunity of being Known by public exhibitions than any other class of artist painter - not alone by reason of their smallness but by their seclusion. During the Early and indeed all Mr C practice- The Exchange of miniatures formed the lovers engagement [[strikethrough]] for lovers pledge [[/strikethrough]] pledge, and of course not only non-publicly exhibited, but deeply embosomed in the hearts warmest and most affected recesses - only by its blue ribbon (emblem of faithfulness) to be drawn forth and dwelt upon by the lovers themselves, in such exclusive and blissful moments, away from mortal eye as are perhaps only to be found in the sacred chamber, or deepest recesses of the Mamoth Cave.

The Miniature portrait painter under such circumstances becomes naturally the repository of many secrets and Engagements, before they met the public eye. On one occasion, Mr Cummings had on hand and was painting 15 couples - all either related in some way or friends & acquaintances - residents of the Seventh - then the great aristocratic "West End" now the eastern part of the City be it known- And by pairs the transaction all unknown to each other pair- profound secrets - and all well kept to the finish. tho frequently two & even three of the couples has been in Mr C's house at the same moment.

Once in another case however the inability to keep a secret was amusingly illustrated, & that by a gentleman too

A young man called [[strikethrough]]on Mr C [[/strikethrough]] very early one morning before I had finished my breakfast, and took a first sitting, remarking, Now Mr Cummings I must make you [[strikethrough]] the repository [[/strikethrough]] my confident of a my great secret.  Can you and will you keep it- I told him I thought I could and would- and that it was my professional duty to do so which I never willingly violated- [[strikethrough]] without being asked to do so then [[/strikethrough]]-  Now he says "I am engaged to a young lady who has promised to sit for her miniature for me- and wishes mine in return- which I have not entirely promised but mean to give her- but I wish to surprise her. So I have come to sit first- and when you have finished my sitting I will go and bring her to take her first sitting. but mind be sure you keep my secret- Even from her- Do you really think you can do so- I assured him I thought I could- I was used to such things