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Cummings, T.S.
(from Mss. Cov.-Cu file)

50 Walker St. Nov. 14th, 1843

Dear Sir.

I regret that circumstances beyond control will prevent my attending the meeting with you this Evening, and will I trust be the last interruption to my attendance this season

In addition to the loss of our esteemed associate in art Colonel Trumbull you will perceive by the Commercial a copy of which I send you with this, the further loss by death of another Cadet Mr Flavenger the Sculptor -  thus imposing on one meeting of the Academy the melancholy duty of paying the usual marks of respect to the memory of both these distinguished gentlemen at one assembling.   In addition to the usual publication I would urge on the consideration of the meeting the propriety of transmitting of the proceedings of our body in the occasion to our foreign correspondents and particularly to Academies abroad in official form; I think it would add materially to the mark of respect, and if so decided should embrace the proceedings in the case of Mr Allston.

I am solicited by a friend to ask the favour of you, if perfectly agreeable to you to furnish a description of your Telegraph to be sent wth [[with]] other interesting national documents of interest "by order" to the King of Bavaria.

With this I send you the 5 numbers of the Dresden Gallery this day received, and also some bills for your signature. please hand this letter to Mr Agate who will return them to me..

Sincerely & very truly YOur Obedient Svt.  
Thomas S. Cummings

Transcription Notes:
if you can figure out the blanks you're a legend *there's a letter that resembles 'p' which represents 'ss'