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History of the Early State of the Arts of Design

I shall not attempt my young readers to endeavour to inform you who first practiced the Arts of Design, who painted the first picture, or who executed the first statue. The search for such information would be vain, perplexing, and useless and to say the least if stated, perhaps may be added with, very little probability of truth. Sculpture being the most simple in its elements in the representation of nature probably preceded the art of painting, a representation of real objects in one plane, or surface. Though as is the case in pictorial representation, and for this reason an art more difficult to be first immagined [[imagined]] that the representation of objects in their natural rotundity and form. Though both these Arts in their simplest form, I consider beyond the pale of designation of origin to one, or even any nation of men. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] their existence and practice in the simplest element of immitation [[imitation]] a principle of our nature I deem [[strikethrough]] or [[/strikethrough]] coeval with man [[strikethrough]] himself on the Globe [[/strikethrough]].

Sculpture Architecture & Painting, when carried beyond the mere supplying of our wants or necessities, aim at one general result, to awaken and refine our [[strikethrough]] ideas [[/strikethrough]], sensibilities, exalt our ideas, and enlarge our understanding. In neither of these arts is imitation the final object of the artist, imitation is to be viewed only as the instrument through which the more exalted objects of art are to be accomplished. and as it is the simplest of [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] form art, so, no doubt was it the first. In this brief view of early art which I shall place before you. I shall endeavour [[strikethrough]] merely [[/strikethrough]] to give such an outline as will interest, without tiring your patience, and as I do address you as profesional [[professional]] artist, but [[strikethrough]] merely [[/strikethrough]] as students seeking the information [[strikethrough]] in this branch of study [[/strikethrough]] as a part of general education only. I shall by no means confine myself. to the technical, separations of schools, periods, or artists, but by, a Glance at the most prominent items on History of Art. [[strikethrough]] give [[/strikethrough]] sufficient to awaken a taste for further information that obtains my end. my young friends will be obtained, the endless fountain after then be open to you, go to, and drink deep. 

The Greeks claim the invention of painting [[strikethrough]] as an Art [[/strikethrough]] and have addressed many fables in support of this [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] assumption, but if this has any truth at all it must as an Art, not in its rudest essays, which we have before stated as our belief to exist coeval with man himself [[strikethrough]] in his Savage state [[/strikethrough]] Pliny says Painting did not exist prior to the siege of Troy. - This again must be taken as alluding to it as an Art, in successful practice, not as [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] mere immitation [[imitation]], - Art of Design in their early and rudest forms, were scarcely regarded - as an Art., and thus