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perishable nature of the material has doubly robbed us of many evidences of the fact, while in Statuary we are furnished with the most abundant Evidences of perfection in that Art - Where one existed to such perfection the other could not be far behind in the race of advancement, and if we may judge of one by the other their praises as evidenced on their painters have not been misplaced. and they are classed by themselves the most competent to judge. in equal eminence.

Homer describes the beautiful embossings on the shields of his heroes, and although these may have been sculptured, cast or painted, proves the high knowledge of the Arts of Design.. and the shield of Achilles has called forth his warmest poetic description, and although the subject of discussion must be admitted is only the greater proof poetically so at least of the task for Art which existed at the period, we admit however that the glowing description of Vulcans ability to give colour in combinations to his metals rather savours of the poetic than the historic. a vain Colour Bass relievo, may have called forth this eulogium., and the desire to place among the exaulted this worker in metals art, may have called forth all this poets ardour.
This shield was divided into 12 compartments - 

give a drawing & description

The shield of Aeneas is said to have had all the actions of the Romans represented on it down to the time of Augustus., and the history of the Trojan War is said to have been painted on the walls of the Temple of Zeus at Carthage.

Embroidery was also known and practiced by the ladies of rank during the Trojan war. Helen is said to have been engaged in representing the extensive subject of the Trojan war in this manner when she received the news of her husbands death. -  this alone implies the previous drawing of the subject in colour and design, for without it such work could not have proceeded.