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Draw the line A.B. as before at any given length. according to convenience mark the centre point, and erect the perpendicular C. of equal length to A. B. draw the line C to A.. and C. to D, and the figure is completed.

[[3 images]]

The length of the centre perpendicular line may be changed at the option of the teacher and the angle varied accordingly.

draw the line A. B. short. fig 1. erect the perpendicular line C. 3 times the length of the base line A. B.. mark the point of perpendicular to B. and draw the line C. D. draw the perpendicular line D. B. and the figure is complete.

[[2 images]]

Repeat this figure dividing it equally both ways, as marked by the dotted lines, and the figure is complete.
- this form and principle is the basis of drawing of all [[strikethrough]] even sided [[/strikethrough]] objects [[strikethrough]]notice the [[/strikethrough]] of 2 equal sides [[strikethrough]] and equally [[/strikethrough]] or the sides or divided [[strikethrough]]from[[/strikethrough]] in the centre.

See simple examples 4. & 5.

[[2 images]]

In no. 4. the diagonal lines may be all drawn, and if the pupils seem to have acquired a tolerable steadiness of hand, the curves on the left side may be added. No. 5. they are not to be expected from the previous practice of these diagrams to be able to accomplish this introduced to break the monotony of the lines study, and to show an object. [[strikethrough]] for what might be otherwise in a young man deemed useless [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
The 'c' above 'perpendicular' in line 2 is part of the image Near the end of the part that begins with "Repeat this figure...," it looks like the phrase "of 2" has been written over the phrase "notice the"; not sure what to do in this situation