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treated us handsome, gave us his best straw to sleep on and in the morning offered us the healing balm of which we partook freely not having had any for sometime. We bade him good morning and and started off for the boats, went on board at 6 O'clock and immediately hauled through the draw and tied him up at the wharf, took breakfast washed down decks, when the drum beat to quarters, The crew of both vessels assembled on the bridge where we formed company with full Band. 1 Artillery piece 2 flaggs & twenty one men marched up the road to Mr. Seabury's house the gentleman who allowed 3 of our men to lodge in his barn and went in on invitation, we were forced to dance a fore and arter in the kitchen expressly for the old mans ammusement after which we returned to the bridge, and then on board our vessels. We then fitted out 2 small boats for the purpose of arresting clams proceeded to the oposite shore where we landed . divided the companies into squads and in one hour captured 4 bushels put them into irons ( I mean Baskets) took to our boats and went off to our vessels with exceeding great joy. Cast off and proceeded up towards mount hope bay. Landed at a beautifull grove near its entrance where a court martial was held and every clam recieved his trial, and found guilty was sentanced to be forced upon hot stones & there lie untill dead! dead!! dead!!! then to be drawn in quarters; this awfull sentence took place in presence of the court and the crews of both vessels. at this hour of 3 1/2 O'clock. after the fullfillment of this awefull scene we all went on board with light hearts and heavy gutts with tears in our eyes (and for what gentle reader do you suppose? on account of the execution which had taken place? no. what then think you it was?) Why the liquor was out! At 6 O'clock in company with the Louise we made sail wind. SW by S had a pleasent sail up into Bristol harbour where we fired a salute the Band played come too alongside of the wharf where were assembled about two hundred persons Both crews went on those and called at the hotel and other places. After a short stroll