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Ship "Ann Maria" from New York towards 
Val-par-ai-so- Com-man-ded by Levi F. Doty-

[[left side of journal]]
[[9 columned table]]
|Hours|K.|H.K.|Courses|Winds|   |   |   |Monday September 2nd 1850-|
|1|5|   |S.W.|W.N.W.|   |   |   |Commences with fine breeses and hasy-|
|2|5|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|6|6|||||||At 2 P.M. Took in Ms. top gale sail-Took in fore top Gale Sail-|
|10|6|||||-14 Days out-|||
|12|6|||||||Morning cloudy-|
|3|6|||||||Two men still off duty|
|7|5|||||||Latitude by Abs. 46.45 S.|

[[right side of journal]]
[[9 columned table]]
|Hours|K.|H.K.|Courses|Winds||||Monday September 2nd 1850-|
|1|8||S.W. by S|W.N.W.||||Commences with strong breeses and cloudy-|
|5|7|1||||||At 4 P.M. Double Reefed the Fore and Ms. Top sails Single reefed The Mn. Top Sail Reefed the Main Sail-|
|10|5|||||-15 Days out-||8 P.M. Double reefed the Mn. Top Sail reefed the Fore sail|
|2|3|||||||Through the night strong breeses and cloudy-|
|5|3|||||||Morning more moderate made sail as required|
|8|3|||||||Ends has with a heavy sea on-|
|11|3|||||||Latitude by Abs. 47.15 South|
|12|3|||||||Longitude by Chro 59.20 West -|

Transcription Notes:
Reopened. NOT DONE CORRECTLY. Need | |, not || for all empty columns. Please fix. A did a few for you.