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thence I steer'd my way along & arrived at Walpole Just at Dark & put up at one Mr.Robins just 19 1/2 miles from Boston as farr as I intended to ride to Divide the way betwixt Boston and Providence Here was 2 fine handsome Girls, I arise by 6 Oclock after resting well Here likewise they have a fine fish Pond & proceeded on my way Towards Wrentham where I arrived to Breakfast From Wrentham I pushed along & stopt at a Tavern about 9 miles from Provdience where I oated Billie & Dick I thence proceeded & came to Patuscet a place where are a great fall of Water many mills here was an excessive high Bridge & not quite finished which rendered it very Dangerous to pass, at this place I fell in Company with a Young Lady on horseback found my way so that I came along there last 4 miles Merrily, I arrived in Providence a half after 12 Oclock noon enough to save my Distance with regard to Dinner after Dinner I took a small walk by myself observed the situation of this place which is divided by the River into 2 Towns North and South the Hill being so steep they have hardly room to Build one Street along the Banks They have here a fine new Brick College which stands over the Town on Top of the North Bank, theres some pretty good houses here & Carry on very considerable trade in the European African West India Trade. They tell me they are Charming Girls here but as I am not aacquainted with any yet must leave that for a future page.

Sunday St. Michaels day the 29th of September 1771. Went early to the Barbers Shop to be shavd & dressed which was accordingly done came home eat breakfast & as the most of the ministerial tribe was abroad there was only service in one place & the