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and how the people from the surrounding hot tenements will come into the cool Museum and see all the art that has to be taken out of the Basement. ( I think here he meant the Metropolitain storage in their basement that apparently has millions of paintings. ) 

5) I received a phone call from Miss Gregory of Heide, Lubell. The check for the repair of ' Quote ' came through and Bob has to endorse it. I will be sending it to you so that you can stand over him and see that he does it. For some strange reason they wrote it out to Rudolf Raushcenberg. Miss Gregory was going to try and change it to Robert, but if it stays Rudolf on the check, then Bob will just have to endorse it with Rudolf ! 

6) No startling summs of Money so far, but we are waiting. 

7) John Chamberlain got terribly drunk last night, patted the horse of a Mounted Policeman, was knocked on the head, split open, but not permanently or really badly hurt, sent to St. Vincents and bailed out of court this morning to the tune of $ 250.00. All of which Ivan and Dick Bellamy handled with great ease. 

8) I should know tomorrow about the World' Fair money. I have to phone Mr. Read once more in the morning. 

9) We have been doing very well on the Dante Book reservations. Arnold Root wrote to find out about the book. He also wanted to know if we had any small metal Chamberlains. So I told him about the little new ones. We shall see what God will provide...

10) Ivan sold your Christo to Mrs. Tremaine. He thought in this case it was the wisest thing to do as that was the one she wanted. 

11) Mr. Alloway was in. He is all fixed up and just has to come in to make the really final selection. Would you ask Bob about the [[underline]]Erased de Kooning?[[/underline]] and cable me yea or neah on it. I am replacing your RR quadruple drawing [[strikethrough]]at Byron[[/strikethrough]] for the one now at Byron, which will go into the Guggenheim and travel. 

I can't think of anything else. I will write tomorrow. 

4 EAST 77 ST . NEW YORK 21