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12 June, 1964

Dear Mr. Castelli,
Good news. We were paid for the Andy Warhol we sold to Power. But no check yet for the Feigen share. I called them and they had not received anything.

I am enclosing the check from Heide, Lubell for the repair of Quote. Bob must endorse it as well as you. Be sure that he signs RUDOLPH !!

Harold Kaye wrote you a very nice letter which I answered. His phone number when you are in London is Embassador 0494. He had been advised by Mr. Cohen as your possible desire for a loan, but was under the impression that it was on the Pollock and not the Dubuffet. He was looking foreward to seeing you in London.

The Tremaines dropped in. They reserved 2 of the new Lithos.

I spoke to Ben Heller about the sculpture show. They have decided on Chamberlain and Bontecou. I guess the ommission of Higgins due to the great dislike of the Stellas and Henry. It is really too bad. Heller and Van Griek or whatever his name is will be in next week to choose the show. I am very curious to meet the new Herr Direktor.

Fez is back in good order from Chicago. We are madly contacting Mrs.Holis Solomon. If this does not work I will get in touch with lovely Irving.

Dr. Kafka decided to keep the black and white Stella from MOMA art lending. Mrs. Flamm is holding out for another black and white one or if Frank does a new series. David is thinking over the yellow and green one.   David Whitney took the green and yellow one for $200.00

I got the Dante litho photos in time to get to Mrs. Grosman for her Boston trip.!! Hopefully good thing will come of this.
That is all for today.
4 EAST 77 st. NEW YORK 21