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10 July, 1964 P-2

Do you want an ad in the special Art International Biennale/Documenta issue? The deadline is Aug. 15. There is also the Art In America Charlotte Willard article issue. Their deadline is Aug. 1. Let me know.

I spoke to Ivan the other day. He was in "Kansas 2 blocks from Missouri". They are having a wonderful time.

All is well here. Very quiet and the weather is lovely. Not too hot. Toiny's plants are thriving. They really look so nice in the gallery and I shall be molto reluctant to give them up!!

Have a wonderful time. I shall write you at this address until I hear otherwise. I will let you know in detail my vacation plans. I don't think I shall get to Europe after all. This is a disappointment as it has been two years now, but perhaps next year. In any case when I know definately where I will be I will tell you.

All my love to Bébé and to Toiny and to you.
[[signature]]Love Nina[[signature]]