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65 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK 1003 (212) 741-8962

January 2, 1970

Ms. Susanne Hilberry 
Sussane Hilberry Gallery
555 South Woodward
Birmingham, Michigan 48011

Dear Susanne:

Thank you so much for agreeing to loan Elizabeth Murray's:
[[underline]] Brown and Green[[underline]], 1974
Oil on canvas
36 1.2" x 15"

to [[underline The 1970s: New American Painting.[[underline]]  Although the exhibition schedule has not been finalized, we project the following dates for the show:

Assemble works requiring framing February, 1980
Assemble all other works in N.Y.  March, 1979
Ship exhibition to Budapest  April, 1979
Opening in Budapest  May, 1979
Completion of exhibition tour  April, 1981
Return works to lenders May/June, 1981

Since these dates remain tentative at this point in time, we hope that you will be able to maintain some flexibility.  If you foresee any schedule conflicts, please let us know as soon as possible.  In order to insure the greatest safety possible for your work of art, slotted crates will be specially constructed in New York.

A few points concerning this loan must be clarified; please complete the enclosed form and return to us at your earliest convenience.  

Thank you so much for your cooperation.  We truly appreciate it.


Allan                 Kathleen Thomas
Alland Schwartzman    Kathleen Thomas

AS, KT:it  Emery Craig/Conservator
