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Designs submitted in competition for this mural scheme must observe the following specific requirements:

Designs must be submitted to the office of the Section of Fine Arts on or before October 15, 1940.


Mural designs must be in the scale of one inch equals one foot. The four designs for the four panels must be submitted in full color. The design for the West wall must be mounted or carried out on cardboard sufficiently stiff to remain flat and submitted without glass. Each design must have a white border two inches wide and the mount must be 67 1/2" wide by 12 3/4" high. The three designs for the East wall must be mounted or carried out on a single board similar to the mount for the West wall. Rendering of the architectural details is not required.

In addition, a full size detail of any part of the scheme must be submitted. This detail in full color should be two feet square.

Designs must be submitted in tempera, gouache or water color or in a technic which will closely approximate fresco. Sketches must not be submitted in the oil medium. Due to the difficulties of transportation and handling, sketches must not be submitted in actual fresco.


The mural scheme at the auditorium entrance on the East and West walls of the North - South corridor, will consist of four mural panels. The auditorium is reached by the Independence Avenue entrance lobby and is located on the first floor of the building. The corridor is 14'2" wide. At the entrance to the auditorium the corridor opens out and is 27'8" wide. In a reveal 2'8" deep on the West wall are three entrance doors to the auditorium.

The mural panel on the West wall is a space 63'5" long by 8'9" high. The panel is broken by the three entrance doors.

On the East wall opposite this space are three panels, two side panels each 15'4" wide by 8'9" high, one central panel 23'7" wide by 8'9" high.
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The panels are set in reveals 8'2" deep formed by permanent exhibition cases. The panels are lighted by trough lights set in the ceiling running the entire length of each mural. The marble trim of doors, baseboards, exhibition cases, etc., is Tennessee Granox golden veined tavernelle marble. Further details of the mural spaces are indicated in the blue prints for which the competitors must apply.


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The five panels must be executed in true fresco or fresco secco. The walls will be prepared for the artist with a scratch coat of suitable plaster.


The amount of $9,500 is to be paid for the mural on the West wall. The amount of $10,480 is to be paid for the three murals on the East wall. The total amount of $19,980 must cover all costs of designing and execution of the murals, preparing of the walls, etc.

Transcription Notes:
The handwritten portions needs review for formatting and verification