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The competition designs will be judged in Washington by a jury composed of the following: Mr. Alain de Bouthillier, Chief, Interiors and Styling Unit of the United States Maritime Commission, Mr. George Harding, Painter, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Mr. Edward Bruce, Chief of the Section of Fine Arts. 

Please Refer to Requirements Applying to All Competitions.

All designs must be submitted to the office of the Section of Fine Arts on or before June 1, 1940.

Any artist may submit designs for any of the projects listed below or as many series of designs for each project as he may wish. 

All designs must be in the scale of two inches equals one foot. Designs for carved, or relief decorations, should be submitted in the form of drawings or renderings with the proposed medium and materials indicated. Designs for murals must be submitted in full color mounted or carried out on a single sheet of cardboard sufficiently stiff to remain flat and submitted without glass. Each design must have a white border two inches wide. 

All decorations in this competition must be completed by the artist winning the awards whenever required by the ship building contractor between September and December, 1940.

Contracts for the execution of this work will be between the winning artists and the Government through the United States Maritime Commission. The work under the contracts will be supervised by the Section of Fine Arts.

The amount to be paid for the decorations as stated below covers all costs of materials, designing and executing the decorations. The cost of shipping the decorations from the studio to the ship building yard and the cost of installation of the decorations in the vessel will be defrayed by the ship's contractor. The installation will be done under the supervision of the artist. 

Any inquiries relative to this competition must be addressed to the Section of Fine Arts and not to the United States Maritime Commission. 

Any artist intending to enter this competition must signify his intention by applying for but prints to the Section of Fine Arts. 

The location for which any decoration submitted in this competition is intended must be designated on the back of the design by the name of the room as below. 


While certain materials and mediums are suggested for the various decorations, the use of other materials and mediums will be considered provided they are practicable and meet the following requirements: 

Marinite is to be used for the interior bulkheads of the vessel. It is an asbestos composition material applied in sheets. In certain rooms, it will be used with wood veneer facing, in other with marine veneer and in other places with a paint finish.

Artists winning the competition will be required to submit samples of materials and mediums for approval before award of contract to execute the work. 

A description of the materials, mediums and technics must accompany each group of designs submitted in the competition. Samples should not be submitted with competition designs.