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The jury made no recommendations of an award for the three remaining mural commissions in the Social Security Building but recommended that another competition be held for the designs for these murals. Plans are being made accordingly.

The following is a list of artists whose designs were selected by the jury for honorable mention:

Nell Best of Lynwood, California
Jean Charlot of New York, New York
Xavier Gonzales of New Orleans, La.
Sante Graziani of Cleveland, Ohio
Lew Keller of Los Angeles, California
Joe Lasker of Brooklyn, New York
Saul Levine of Brooklyn, New York
Arthur Herschel Lidov of Chicago, Ill.
Michael Loew of New York, New York
Ralf E. Nickelsen and Elizabeth Tracy of Wellesley and Rockport, Mass., respectively 
Henry Simon of Chicago, Illinois
Maxwell B. Starr of New York, New York

The Section of Fine Arts wishes to thank you for submitting designs in this competition. Your designs will be returned in the near future and this office would appreciate your prompt advice if the address used above is incorrect.

Cordially yours,

Edward Bruce
Chief of Section of Fine Arts

P.S. It is noted that you will call for your design. Will you please do so at your early convenience and oblige.