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FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC BUILDINGS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON November 15, 1940 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER IN REPLYING, QUOTE THE ABOVE SUBJECT, BUILDING, AND THESE LETTERS FA Mr. Ben Shahn Jersey Homestead Hightstown, New Jersey Dear Ben: It was a great pleasure to have that visit with you here in Washington and I am perfectly delighted that you won the competition and I am sure you are going to do a swell job. Just to keep the record straight I enclose here - with a copy of a letter recently received from Gilmore Clarke, Chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts, giving Eugene Savage's comments on the designs which covers the point of scale which I told you Eugene Savage had raised. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help along. I am looking forward to seeing the new cartoons. Let me know when you are coming down as I want to be sure to be in Washington when you are here. Cordially yours, Ned Bruce Chief of the Section of Fine Arts