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Social Security Board Bldg., Wash. DC FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC BUILDINGS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER IN REPLYING, QUOTE THE ABOVE SUBJECT, BUILDING, AND THESE LETTERS FA December 23, 1940 Mr. Ben Shahn Jersey Homesteads Hightstown, New Jersey Dear Mr. Shahn: Enclosed is your contract for the mural painting for the Social Security Board Building, Washington, D.C. Will you kindly sign with your name and address on the line indicated on the third page of the contract, and have your signature witnessed by two persons whose names should appear on the lines provided for such purpose. Kindly sign your name as written on page one of the contract. If any mistake has been made in your name, please advise and we will have the contract corrected accordingly. Please have the bond made out according to instructions on page six, either using a corporate surety or two individual sureties. If individual sureties are used, they must fill out the affadavits [[affidavits]] and certificates of sufficiency as indicated. The contract and bond should be returned to this office after they have been executed. Cordially yours, Maria K. Ealand - B - Maria K. Ealand Administrative Assistant Section of Fine Arts Enclosure