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[[strikethrough]] I should like to come down to Washington at your earliest convenience with the full size cartoons for your approval. Would the early part of next week (week of the 9th be O.K.? [[/strikethrough]] I have completed [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] line cartoons of the S.S. Mural. I should like to submit these for your approval. Would the early part of the week of the 9th be convenient for you? I have also painted in the fresco [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] 2 [[strikethrough]] pieces [[/strikethrough]] section of S.S. mural [[approx?]] 8'6 x 3'6 in Charlot's studio in N.Y. (He has all the fresco material available I have order color transparencies of the one which I will send you as soon as ready. I am asking for this specific date because we are taking a week's [[? trip?]]