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Jersey Homesteads
Hightstown, New Jersey
June 3rd, 1941

Mr. Edward B. Rowan
Fine Arts Section
Federal Works Agency
Washington, D.C.

Dear Ed:

I have completed the line cartoons for the Social Security mural, and would like to bring them for your approval. Would the early part of next week be a good time to find you in Washington?

I have been doing some work in Jean Charlot's studio in New York. He has all fresco materials available [[strikethrough]] plus a number of tricks which are quite outside the very traditional fresco technique which I've used heretofore. I find this new and freer way of working much closer to my own work than I have the pretty cut and dried "old master" method. [[/strikethrough]] I've made 2 fresco panels of [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] sections of the mural, and am quite delighted with them [[strikethrough]] I have had some [[/strikethrough]] I've ordered some color tansparancies [[strikethrough]] made [[/strikethrough]] which I will send to you as soon as they are ready.

I have asked for this specific time for your looking at the cartoons because we expect to leave then for Ohio to visit Bernarda's family, and will stop in Washington with the cartoons on the way - that is, if it is a convenient time for you.

Best regards to you
[[hand written insertion after the word "available" above]] are planning trip
where I found all of that available
I've made 2 panels of sections of the [[?]]
[[/hand written insertion after the word "available" above]]