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Care should be taken that asphalum is not spilled on channels where it will come in contact with plastic scratch coat. 
Note  All rust shall be cleaned from metal parts before application of rust proof [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] or asphalt paint. 

Furring and Lathing
Horizontal channels 1 1/2" x 3/8" and spaced not exceed 2' on [[strikethrough]] cenetr [[/strikethrough]] center, securely toggle bolted to the wall at every 2 feet.
Note toggle [[strikethrough]] bots[[/strikethrough]] bolt holes shall be bored clean and shall be no larger than necessary.
Vertical channels 1" x 3/8" laid flat and [[strikethrough]] spec [[/strikethrough]] spaced not to exceed 12" on centers, [[strikethrough]] bl [[/strikethrough]] bolted to horizontal channels with 1/4" diameter 6" stove bolt.

Transcription Notes:
Need to check formatting for underlined words. Some words are hard to read Asphalum is mineral pitch Stove bolt is a type of bolt