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Note: All furring members shall be completely cleaned of all rust and dipped galvanized before erection, or where such galvanization is impossible, exposed parts shall be thoroughly [[strikethrough]] covered [[/strikethrough]] coated with undiluted asphalt paint after erection.
Metal lath [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] shall be galvanized Clinton cloth 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 mesh 18 gauge. Lath shall be lapped vertically and lapped and lapped at side not less than 1" and ends not less than 2". Vertical laps [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] shall be over supports only  Lath shall be [[strikethrough]] ve [[/strikethrough]] wired to channels every 6" and laced between supports with #18 gauge gal.[[strikethrough]] wir [[/strikethrough]] annealed wire. Lath on wall shall be carried up, completely [[strikethrough]] lea [[/strikethrough]] lapping turn down lap of ceiling and laced and tied to same.
Laps shall not be made at internal or external angles,[[strikethrough]] st [[/strikethrough]] but shall be brought around [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] nine inches

Transcription Notes:
There was a Clinton wire cloth company in the early 1900's